precisity.lua Now Available!


We are excited to announce the release of our latest script, "precisity.lua", designed to enhance your gaming experience! You can now purchase it for just 4 NLE on the Neverlose Market.

Get your copy here: Buy precisity.lua

Features of precisity.lua:

Home Page -​

Information - Your username, build version, build edition
Configs - Export, Import, Recommended config
Recommended - Discord Server, Youtube Channel,

Anti Aim -​

Toggle Anti Aim
Custom manuals - inverter, left limit, right limit, options, freestanding, defensive AA, lag options
Teleport exploit - normal, in air only
Safe Functions - settings, safe head, defensive AA, Pitch, Yaw, on hideshots, lag options
Edge Yaw
Animation Breakers - Broken Legs, Air Legs, Pitch on Land, Move Lean
Yaw base - AA direction, manual over FS
Presets Manager - Load, Save, Delete, Export, Import(all of theses are for AA only)
Builder - AA conditions(states), toggle condition, Pitch, Yaw, Yaw Modifier, Body Yaw, Defensive AA, Lag Options

Visuals -​

Windows - Keybinds, spectators, watermark, watermark2, accent color, breath color
$400 Indicators - We all know these
Screen Indicators - Settings, Glow, Accent Color, Breath Color
Grenade Radius - Additional, molotov color, smoke color
Manual Arrows - Settings, Adding, With Scope, Accent color, Second color
Scope Overlay - Accent Color, Second color, selection, Excluded Lines, Width, Height, Thickness, Animation Speed
Hitmarker - Draw-On(entity selection), Player color, Size, Life Time

Miscellaneous -​

Overrise Viewmodel - FOV, X, Y, Z
Override Aspect Ratio - Value
Mute/Unmute Silenced - Only enemy(toggle), Settings(mute/unmute)
Console Modulation - Color
Molotov Wireframe - Wireframe, Ignore Z
Fast Ladder Move -
Taskbar Notify -

Other -​

Aimbot Logger - Settings(console/notify), output to(CS:GO events/Custom events), Short Logs, options(hitchance, backtrack), Hit color, Miss color
Hitchance Manipulation - Type(In-Air, Noscope), Weapons(select weapons), hitchance value
Clantag Spammer -
Chat Spammer -
Shared Logo -
Jumpscout -
Window Renamer -

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your game. Click the link above to purchase and start using precisity.lua today!

  • The Precisity Team
